About SUS BIRD (Sustainable Building Interior Renovation and Decoration)
To promote the sustainable development of China building interior renovation and decoration, China worked togther with Europe to design the project named SUS BIRD, which is funded by SWITCH-Asia and carried out by CQM and other organizations home and abroad. The general purpose is to minimize the indoor air pollution caused by decoration and renovation to improve and protect the occupational safety of workers, and to decrease the consumption of energy and reduce the environmental influence by promoting the sustainable renovation and decoration. The objective of the project is to establish the sustainable decoration and renovation alliance (SBI) to popularize the sustainable decoration project, including: promoting customers to select and use the environmental friendly decoration materials, the energy-saving products and water-saving appliances, etc, encouraging the decoration enterprises to use the environmental friendly decoration materials and energy-saving equipments and to implement the sustainable decoration and renovation project.
The major activities involved with the SUS BIRD are following:
- Establishing the product information system (PIS) for sustainable decoration products and production of handbooks, providing a convenient way to SMEs for accessing the relevant information;
- Setting up the sustainable BIRD Initiative, recruiting members from SMEs and participating the activities related to sustainable decoration and renovation;
- Strengthing the capacity building for SMEs to carry out the sustainable decoration and renovation, including training courses and technical support;
- Lanuching the demonstration projects, including selecting the best project and conducting relevant publicity and promotional activities;
- Promoting the formulation of relevant policy and development of sustainable decoration and renovation, establishing the replicable market mechanism for promotion in other countries.